Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Good Habits, Improved Brain

How to improve your brain? The question is really big. Some researchers list a lot of foods good for your brain. Others try to use different kinds of nutrition pills to improve brain. These kinds of things are really helpful and have positive influences on your brain. However, to improve your brain, the most important thing is having good habits. Good habits are not easy to have, but those foods helpful to your brain are very normal. Nutrition pills are not necessary because you can get enough nutrition from your everyday foods. Some one may say, I have fast food everyday, and I can not get enough nutrition. Well, that is an exactly bad habit. People should eat healthily, that is your goal, a good habit.

Good habits those can improve your brain include several items. First, eat breakfast. This is an easy item, but many people can not keep eating breakfast every morning. Your brain needs energy to work. People usually have big things in the morning, and brain can not get enough energy if you do not eat breakfast. Working without energy is one way to kill your brain. If you want to improve your brain, protect it and eat breakfast. Second, sleep. A lot of people do not have enough sleeping time today. Actually, sleeping is not only the rest time for the brain, but also developing time. You can develop your imaginational ability when you dream. Make sure you can have fresh air when you sleep. This can help your brain have enough rest and make you spirited when you get up next day. Next one is taking exercise. Team sports like basketball not only use your body, but also your brain. How to keep balance? Pass the ball to whom? What is the tactic? Thinking these things when your brain and body are exciting is practicing your brain, and it can develop your brain a lot. The last item is keep happy. Emotion is important to a person. Being sad can make your brain lazy and do not want to think. If you are happy, the chemical which effects happy is very good for our brain. Keep these good habits! You will find your brain will be improved.

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Experience of Real College Lecture

Last week, I was asked by my EASL 350's teacher to see some academic lectures and experience the real college atmosphere. I went to a microeconomic one. The lecture was great; I loved it! Although the knowledge used in the lecture is very academic, the instructor made it easy to understand. A lot of normal things happened in our daily life were used as examples by the instructor to explain how the rule works. That was very interesting to me and I have learned quite a lot about the price. I can do some easy analyzing work of the price by myself. As the lecture was talking about some rules in economic, I don't think I can say "No" to these truths. One thing I'm sure is that this kind of rules are from the real economic life, and can be test and verify by using some economic events. That was what the instructor did. I love his way of teaching, telling students some things and giving them examples. At beginning, the teacher told us examples and analyzed how it works. Later, students could say some examples by themselves and discuss them with the teacher. As an EASL student, it was really difficult for me to following their discussion. When the instructor was presenting, it was OK. However, when he gave us examples and discussed it with students, I could not catch them. I could just know what they were talking about. I don't think I am ready for this actual course. I need more practice. There are huge numbers of academic words I should prepare. I need to work harder.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Influence of Toys on Children

I used to think that children's characters decide toys, but after read this article, I know that toys actually influent children. According to the article, boys usually get cars as toys, so they have less chance of practice conversations than girls who get grocery stores get. However, both boys and girls need social and interactive toys. In this way, kids are able to practice the kind of conversation which is possible be used at school or home. Verbal ability is the result of both nature and nurture, and giving right toys to children can train people's verbal ability when they are yang.
I really am surprised about the research of "the Influence of Toys on Children". I can't believe that toys changed my life when I was a child. Probably, I think, education is the strongest influence on us. In my opinion, one person has good verbal ability or not depends on his (her) character and the education of his (her) family and school. People who do not like to talk or is not good at talking are influenced by toys when they are kids. This surprised me a lot. I'm a boy who quite likes to talk with people myself. Maybe this is because I liked to play "building block" with other kids when I was a child. When we played, it was always hard to decide how to build, so we kept discussing, talking and contending. It really practiced my verbal ability. I think I should say thanks to he "building block".

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